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Electronic colposcopy: How to do cervical cyst below Electronic colposcopy?

Cervical cyst is a common gynecological disease, it is a pathological manifestation of chronic cervicitis in women, colpopcopy cervical cyst diagnosis method is intuitive and obvious, can directly find the site of the disease, diagnosis whether there is abnormal lesions, and determine the severity of the lesions, as the basis for treatment. So how to do cervical cyst below colposcope?

Electronic colposcopy
First, check the vulva and vagina for lesions;
Then place the speculum gently into the vagina to fully expose the cervix, vagina and vaginal vault.
Secondly, the cervical morphology, size, color, whether there is erosion, white spots, vegetative growth and the nature of secretions;
Then use normal saline cotton ball to wipe the cervical secretions (do not rub forcibly, so as not to cause bleeding affect the observation);
Finally, the camera was moved to about 30-40cm from the cervix and about 25-35cm from the vulva to adjust the focal length and magnify the image for observation. Colposcopy can magnify the appearance of the cervix several times, sometimes in order to further distinguish the squamous or columnar epithelium on the surface of the cervix to understand the constriction reaction of blood vessels and judge the nature of the lesions on the surface of the cervix. Some drugs should be applied to the surface of the cervix to make the image clearer and easier to diagnose. After applying 3% acetic acid solution to the cervix, examine the colposcopy color and blood vessels of the cervix epithelium to preliminarily determine whether there are suspicious lesions in the cervix. If there are lesions, the epithelium will appear white in different degrees.
Colposcope examination is recommended according to the cervical quadrants (cervical mouth outside centered by the chronological direction of the clock division) dynamic observation, carefully check and identify the location of the new scale (SCJ) between the column and confirm the scope of the transformation zone (TZ) identify transformation in presence of pathological changes, careful observation anomaly transformation of the subtle changes in the epithelial and blood vessels, in order to determine the nature of the lesion, Green filter was used to further observe the characteristics of blood vessels and interpret the significance of cervical cyst images under colposcopy according to the diagnostic criteria.

How to prevent cervical cyst?

1, pay attention to hygiene and cleanliness: to do a good job of personal hygiene, keep the vulva clean, to prevent pathogenic bacteria from invading the body.
2, avoid childbirth injury to the cervix: women should be careful to damage the cervix during childbirth, if found to have cervical laceration, should be sutured in time, and in order to avoid infection follow the doctor's advice to use antibiotics.
3, do a good job of contraception: do a good job of family planning, take appropriate contraceptive measures, so as to avoid multiple abortion will bring mechanical injury to the cervix. If the stream of people, also to ensure that the gynecological surgery to strictly asepsis, in order to prevent iatrogenic infection and injury.
4, pay attention to menstrual health: menstrual period, abortion period and puerperal period, women's resistance will decline, easy to be infected, so pay attention to health, in the menstrual period, postpartum should be strictly prohibited sexual intercourse and bath, in order to prevent pathogenic bacteria into the cause of infection.
5, exercise: usually pay attention to more exercise, improve the body resistance, appropriate attention to nutrition and health, to protect physical and mental health.
6, do regular gynecological examination: generally do a gynecological examination once a year, the longest is not more than 2-3 years, if found cervical inflammation, should be timely given active treatment, to prevent the condition from worsening.
7, bedroom degree: usually bedroom to grasp the degree, avoid room overwork. Pay attention to sexual hygiene, the partner should also pay attention to remove the foreskin scale of the penis. Sex should be prohibited during the treatment of chronic cervicitis.
8, menstrual stop local medicine.
9, diet avoid spicy food: during the treatment of cervical cyst to avoid spicy, greasy products.
10, acute phase of cervicitis to be controlled, thorough treatment, in order to prevent the transformation into chronic cervicitis.
The above simple introduction under Electronic colposcopy cervical cyst, how to do the cervical cyst is one of the chronic lesions cervicitis, most have no obvious symptoms, and with cervicitis attack the main expression is leucorrhoea grow in quantity, due to different pathogens, white color, quantity, character and so on is also different, women should pay more attention to their own health, in a timely manner to the hospital inspection treatment.